Case Sensitive (2011–2012)
Good, not great.
22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1

Case sensitive: Point of Rescue

I thought it was good, entertaining, good acting, dialogue and photography. I liked the camera angles, and interesting settings. And I liked the ending. I thought it was intelligent and realistic. Not some cliche action BS. (Amy Beth Hayes (Sally Thorne) is gorgeous. Man, she looked good in that nightgown her kidnapper put her in.)

But it had some huge plot holes and movie cliches.

  • Mother clutches 6 year old daughter's hand as they search around outside daughter's friend's home for anybody. Supposedly there is a scheduled play date. But it appears no one is home despite the mother's car being in the carport.

Husband comes home unexpectedly. They all go in the house together. The mother who wouldn't let her daughter's hand go outside, allows the 6 year old to wander off alone to search somebody else's house, despite things being mysterious and possibly dangerous. Contrived setup for the 6 year old to discover the dead bodies. How often have we seen that? How cliche and unrealistic. You just knew the 6 year old was going to find something terrible.

Nobody who clutches their 6 year old's hand outside is going to let them run free unattended through somebody else's house. Especially when things are weird.

  • Police always tell us one of the best ways to stay safe out in public is to be aware of one's surroundings. Lady walks blocks down a street being followed by a car. Never looks around to notice a strange car following.

She turns into a parking lot with an entrance barely big enough to accomodate a small car. Suspicious car pulls in behind her. Unlike any normal person, she never turns around to notice this suspicious car.

She stops to check her cellphone. Cars pulls up about a half a car length behind her. She never turns around to look.

She eventually gets to her car. Suspicious man gets out of suspicious car, and kidnaps her. It's hard to feel sympathy for such an unrealistically clueless blind and deaf nimrod who makes herself so easily victimizable.

  • Married lady comes home to an empty house. She calls out to announce her arrival and for other family members. Nobody answers despite a soccer ball strangely rolling down the stairs to the front door. Balls don't just roll themselves down a flight of stairs by themselves. Never explained. Never addressed.

  • Husband of dead wife and child's acting improved as movie went on. But his original reaction to finding his family dead, and the police inquiry was extremely cliche. So impatient and uncooperative. "Dude? Have you never seen a detective movie or TV show before?"

Season 2

Case Sensitive: The Other Half Lives

I thought season 2 was better than season 1. Idiot lady leaves her good husband for an idiot boyfriend with an incestuous psychopathic sister.

I didn't see the massive potholes and cliches present in season 1. But I agree with reviewer (PippinInOz) that it's getting to be a cliche that the woman detective has to have relationship problems.

It always amazes me that people think people with emotional, psychological or mental problems are more interesting than competent people of normal mental health. Not just the antagonists. The protagonists too.
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