Review of Sundown

Sundown (I) (2021)
As I was sitting in my chair ......
17 February 2022
I watched a film that wasn't there. It wasn't there again today. Oh how I wish it would go away. (With apologies to WH Mearns.) This is indeed the absence of a film rather than a film. I stared blankly at the screen while I watched and the screen stared blankly back at me. Wait, I thought, any moment something will happen, I see it in Roth's eyes, I feel it in the air. So I waited. And I waited. And I waited. Roll end credits.

Now don't get me wrong. I can appreciate slow films, Last Year at Marienbad is among my favorite movies. But this one I found simply boring. Some people clearly like it though. De gustibus non disputandum est. An extra point just for Tim Roth raises the score to 2.
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