Never Let Go (1960)
Cars and Stars - Very Good British Neo Noir
16 February 2022
In the varied Peter Seller's back catalogue this is a film that rarely gets mentioned.

John Cummings (Richard Todd) has his Ford Anglia car stolen in broad daylight. Things go from bad to worse when he starts turning up late for meetings. He confronts smarmy, Machiavellian, used car salesman, Lionel Meadows (Peter Sellers).

This is a fairly standard Neo Noir. What separates it from most films of its type are superb performances and an excellent John Barry Jazz score which adds a touch of class. Richard Todd is excellent giving a lovable loser character a sense of moral righteousness, but also danger. Elizabeth Sellars as John's wife is an understated performance. Peter Sellers steals the show. He puts on a Yorkshire accent and ends up sounding like a certain Radio DJ of that era. In lesser hand the role could descend into farce or camp, but Sellers creates a truly nasty character who manages to be unpredictable and a bit scary.

Never Let Go is rarely seen, but it is a very good film.
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