Corrupt Mayor Rizzo, Corrupt Judge Edwin Malmed And Corrupt Police Who Denied Killing A Baby!
14 February 2022
The following is the belief of a very sad person with a lowlife attitude on morality and race! The reviewer 'pfleminglocal' 29 June 2021 thought this story of Political, Police and Justice system corruption was a "JOKE"...as they put it. He/she said, quote "They want u to feel sorry for these dirtballs lol everyone of them are scumbags" unquote.

The only scumbags in this documentary were Mayor Rizzo, who in a self promoting media grab, continuously poured fuel on the fire, the entire Philadelphia lowlife members of the Police force, a disgusting excuse for a human being known as Judge Edwin Malmed (who actually broke the law with the justice system rules in order to make sure a guilty verdict was passed; thereby denying the all white jury the right to make that decision) and the Parole Board members and Attorneys - over 40 years - who denied the MOVE members any rights; either Human, Criminal and Justice. And who for 40 years covered up the death of the police officer that day had come from another officers gun!

A totally unbiased, and revealing, documentary of superb reporting and exposure. This is enough to make any fair minded, and good moral human being, be ashamed of being a member of such an evil and corrupt Human Race! Yet here we are in the 21st century of 2022 and the same Police brutality, murders and corruption have not changed one iota!
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