Not bad, but not very good either
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The intro is actually really good, and lures you in - albeit it quickly feels like you've been tricked into watching this, hoping for something more.

The movie definitely had potential, with a pretty scary idea, and it doesn't blame teems for veing teens either, which is good.

However, there are so many things that could have been tweaked just slightly, and this movie would have been amazing. For example having the scene where the murderer chops up meat in a dirty basement, isn't necessary; simply having made him an actual butcher where these people are them lured into buying and eating human meat is a populartrope for a reason. Just being a random old man in a dirty basement giving out free meat is so strange.

Another example is the silly burger making scene. Its stupid and unnecessary for the plot. It doesn't add anything else than confusion to what genre of movie you're watching, and it's not even funny.

Another thing is the slow slow intro to our main chatacters. We didn't need to see them escaping the hospital, we didn't need to see their whole elaborate plan to escape, they could simply have given Main Girl permission to leave, and that would have been it.

The movie plays into the typical teen stereotypes: Hot Girly Girl not fit for camping, Suicidal Teen, Fat Teen (who is also vegan) and Stupid Cool Boy whom the writers must have been really into, since he's given relatively much screen time for dying super quickly. Christian Girl is also a stereotype I'm really tired off. None of the girls even seem like friends, so why would they go camping? None of the guys seem that great friends either, which makes the whole thing super awkward.

This movie would have been great, had they not spoiled that this was human meat right away: it would have added some suspense if the "teens" didn't know and had to find out on their own.

No nudity or sex scenes was a plus though, because they rarely adds to the plot.

My take away from this movie was, that I atheist learned how horror shouldn't be done, which is a good thing to learn I guess, though sad for the film.
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