Inside No. 9: Last Night of the Proms (2021)
Season 6, Episode 6
Last Night of the Proms
13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith round off the series with a misanthropic political episode.

A picture of Post Brexit Britain. It takes potshots at both the left and the right.

Penny and Dawn are sisters who hold a viewing party each year to celebrate the Last Night of the Proms.

Dawn and her husband Mick are proud leave voters, they have got their country back. They live with her father Ralph who has dementia, shouts profanities and whose house they all have attended.

Penny is sexually frustrated as her pedantic remainer husband Brian shows more interest in men and watching Drag Race.

While they watch the concert on television, the atmosphere gets nastier mainly due to Brian's waspish tongue.

It takes a macabre turn when a mysterious middle eastern stranger Yusef (whose anglicised name is Joseph) walks in the house.

Penny who sexually molested him earlier thinks Yusef might be the second coming. Brian also takes an opportunity cop a quick feel of him.

Ralph though thinks the stranger is the angel of death who has come to take him away and takes drastic action.

The story did not really work for me and was incoherent. The best bit was Brian explaining the traditions related to the Last Night of the Proms. An event that is so full of false bonhomie and patriotism.

Interestingly it is Little Englanders Dawn and Mick who are nice to the foreigner who has wandered in.

In the end they all put aside their differences and come together to cover up a murder. Maybe that was the message from Pemberton and Shearsmith. The country is now showing its dark heart underneath the pomp and circumstance.
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