Review of Sacha

Sacha (2021– )
not bad at all
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After the first episode i thought how are they going to make this last, but they did, yes the dialogue was a little weak, and yes they pointed out the obvious more than once which was annoying, the writing was a little lazy, but the cast worked well, good directing, good acting made up for those little weaknesses, it is about weak men, parasites that abuse even more weak women and get rich off them. Why these women fall for them and cannot get out of their toxic realtionships with these loser men i give up. Yes it was a little much all these fragile women and abusive parasites but in prostitution i suppose it is possibly like that.

It felt exagerated, but i get it, the pressure of society is in our dna and fear of failure and hope for happiness are too, so in the end it didn't bother me that much. That the brother had a bigger role, as the biggest loser and abusive parasite was also made obvious with yes some weak dialogue, as for the parents, especially the mother, she was a bitter woman trying to have her daughter follow in her loser footsteps not only to justify her own failure of a life but also because seeing her daughter succeed would destroy her.

Was police involved, of course, you always find people you can bribe for one or another reason, very movie like. A little old fashion writing but it passed.

Luckily the daughter has more self-esteem so as a mother anne did a good job.

Was the love affair necessary, nope, but a little romance sells i guess.

Was it a little farfetched that anne from hooker went to her current position, absolutely, if they had made her assistant maybe it would have passed better, women had a better place in the '80, where did it go wrong, i still wonder.

Now all society does is divide us, put us all in smaller boxes than before and call it wokeness, it won't end well. I am all for inclusion and i am happy to see more people represented, but i fear it is all but a ruse and it will not last. Hope i am wrong though. Anyhow in this series the wokeness feels natural YAY.
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