Old Flames Never Die (2022 TV Movie)
Decent thriller
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The lead here does good on both Lifetime and Hallmark, so I don't have any problem watching her LMN movies or having an expectation that they should be watchable. This one was.

I like when Lifetime shows the psycho villain's cards early. Sometimes it helps keep the story moving or helps the tension if characters are aware. Weston was such a creep and he had no redeeming qualities. LFJr. Played the villain well. I was so disgusted by him. Drugging her is obvious, but other moments like ruining her phone, having the gall to approach her at her parents' grave, he was just UGH. He killed a lot of people in this movie "for love" and that made him a pretty dark villain. He couldn't even keep it together long enough to appear to be picking up the pieces of her broken heart. The little detail of his father being the sheriff was a nice added touch because it allowed him to do whatever he wanted. The scene at the restaurant really ticked me off because he was clearly emboldened by being the sheriff's son AND the others in town knew not to get involved. But at the same time, Tyson, you're a famous person and you are getting into fights. I get it, but it wasn't smart.

I felt so bad for Avery. I wish they'd gone with her just being knocked out and injured. She 100% didn't deserve to die for Kira or at all. She was a fighter for sure. Randy? That's more of a gray area. While he didn't deserve his fate, was he really that oblivious to Weston's obsession with Kira? He really sort of betrayed his best friend (even if innocently since I don't believe he knew W drugged her). Like I said, he didn't deserve it, but he definitely helped set these events in motion. Tyson was the cheating fiance, but I don't know if I'd call him a major character. So the actor was fine for his role.

While I appreciate a happy ending and a villain that doesn't get away to terrorize more, this ending was a bit lame. First off, they cheated on each other and sure, maybe they dealt with that offscreen, but I just thought that was interesting how they BOTH cheated in the movie. I guess it's meant to cancel each other's indiscretions out?

It doesn't matter if it's a Lifetime or a Halloween or Jason movie, jump scares are not my thing. The movie makes good use of them, so kudos for the creepy moments. I don't know where they were supposed to be, but the setting sort of reminded me of the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" sequel. I think that was supposed to be a house, but in some scenes, it seemed like a beachside resort. It was a nice setting. Speaking of that movie, it would have been awesome had Avery survived like Brandy did in that movie.

It's one of the better releases for 2022 thus far, so watch and judge for yourself. But I think it will keep your attention.
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