A train wreck
9 February 2022
The anti-fascist in this movie are portrayed more violent than the fascists, which is not only an awkward fail, it's also completely untrue, given the fact that right-wing extremists murdered over 180 people in Germany since 1989 alone. A gang of german Nazi terrorists for example, calling themselves "Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund" (NSU), killed 11 people between 2000 and 2006.

But in this movie the fascists come across as a band of harmless fools.

The anti-fascist on the contrary appear as vain and childish assholes, concerned about themselves and their little middle-class problems, giving up their beliefs at the lightest resistance.

The director herself was an anti-fascist in her student days, so how one can mess up so completely is beyond me. I don't think she wanted to bring across that message.

It must have been the influence of the state institutions. The film was completely funded by german authorities and german state TV stations. The must have said "oh no, violent anti-fascist are bad too, we can't portray them as heroes". "Oh no, don't show Nazis as violent, that's cliché!"

Too many cooks who spoiled the dish. The result is just terrible. This must be one of the worst films on the subjects out there. I feel sorry for the actors who really give their best.
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