The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Only Watch for Episode 5 and 6
9 February 2022
The show is a mixed bag. That is If you count 2 good episodes out of 7 a mixed bag.

Let me say at first that to this day, I still don't get the hype about Boba Fett. Is the mask, is it the jetpack or what? I get Mando, because we actually see him be a total badass for two season. But Boba? We only saw him for like 5 minutes in the original trilogy. So I'm not much of a Boba Fett fan and don't understand why this series needed to exist and after watching it, I still think it was unnecessary and did more bad than good.

Now firstly I'm gonna say what's good about it then I'll give a mini-rant about the bads because I ranted a lot in the episode reviews.

The good:

  • Ludwig Göransson does it again with another iconic piece of music.

  • Episode 5 and 6. Which are not about Boba and they're about Mandalorian, a better and more badass bounty hunter. And that's cheating too because they put Mandalorian season 3 episodes in here so people keep watching this show.

And that's it! That's the only good thing about this series.

Now the bad:

  • The power ranger gang.

  • Boba is not a badass. He slept with Tuskens two nights and now he's a benevolent ruler and wants to rule the city with his soft heart I guess.

  • Boba has no strategy in the whole 7 episodes. He just agrees with what others say and can't assert dominance on any one, he's a laughing stock for all the other rulers and commanders in this series.

  • Boba is a complete idiot and does some significantly idiotic Baffling things, prominently in episode 4. For example; Boba: "Look at me, I am Boba Fett." Boba 5 minutes later: "There's an advantage to people thinking you're dead."

  • The power ranger gang.

  • The show, apart from episode 5 and 6, doesn't feel like Star Wars at all. It feels likes I'm watching a weird Sci-Fi that ripped off these characters and names from Star Wars and not actually watching Star Wars. You can see the clear contrast of it when you watch episode 5 after the fairly excruciating first 4 episodes. It doesn't feel, look and sound like Star Wars.

  • They tried to make a badass character off of Boba and they succeeded beautifully with Mandalorian, but realized they effed up and now that they're making a Boba Fett show, they have to make him different, and thus less badass and that's the reason they ruined Boba Fett.

  • The power ranger gang.

  • Fennec Shand is more of a badass than Boba.

  • The Pykes are hyped to be this evil and powerful syndicate that have an army to destroy everyone and take over the city, but they're laughably weak and shorter in numbers than they claimed to be in the finale.

  • Cad Bane was wasted and should've been the main adversary from the beginning.

  • Boba needs men and more soldiers but in no way he attempts to hire even one person before the big finale.

  • Episode 3.

  • Flashbacks should've been shorter and they should've made episode 2 and 1 into 1 first episode and got rid of episode 3 and the power ranger gang entirely.

  • The direction and writing of episodes 1,2,3,4 and 7 are abysmal.

  • Episode 5 and 6 being actually good and everyone enjoying them shows that even the creators know that nobody wanted this and they didn't even know what to write and do about Boba Fett.

  • Lots and lots of plot holes about Boba being the Daimyo.

  • There were a of lot better stories to tell, like how Boba actually became the Daimyo, instead of showing us flashbacks and the disappointing Pykes as the main villain.

I hope they learn their lesson and don't just make a new show about every character if they don't have a pretty good idea about it, especially if it's and old and known and fan-favorite character.

And I think even giving it a 6 is too generous considering I only enjoyed the last 3 episodes.

And like I said in the title, only watch it for episode 5 and 6 to get ready for season 3 of much much better show.
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