Wolfhound (2006)
A warning for those who hadn't read the book... just like me...
7 February 2022
...Don't even bother to give it a try. If you haven't read the books, you won't get a chance to understand a half of what's going on or why, and after a couple hours, when the number of characters you know nothing about that have just been thrown in without any explanation or background comes to "everybody on the screen and then some", and magic keeps coming and going with no apparent reason, you could focus on the fact that YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE NAME of 50% of them, give it a laugh and spare yourself the pain of another hour of this meaningless mess of a movie.

Also, I agree with those who said that the best actor in there is the bat. He's so cute and lovely and deserved more time on-screen.
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