It has its moments
7 February 2022
I really wanted to say it is amazing but I can't.

It starts off really well and interesting and yes the leads and some of the supporting cast did a great job in terms of the acting but for me I have to connect and have empathy with the characters and as far as the female leads character is concerned I could not. Yes she had a hard and toxic childhood, but that does not give permission to be cruel and spiteful as and when it suits her. I could have been won round had the scriptwriters not included a scene where she tears the butterfly's in half, but after seeing that scene, I just could not see her in any other light but cruel. As others have said there are many who have had a tough childhood and a turbulent relationship with her parents, but they grow up to be compassionate people regardless of their issues. If you dig deep enough you can always find reasons for even the most ruthless person, but that does not make it OK. As for being a famous children's book author - what parent would allow their children to read such dark stories

There are some light and humorous moments, the autistic brother and the Director of the psychiatric ward are fantastic, but at times I found it very slow. I am at episode 8 and struggling to keep going. The premise of the story is good and it has some interesting themes, but I think the scriptwriters didn't take into account that once you present a character in a cruel light they risk losing support for that character.
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