Wow, what an incredible true-story.
7 February 2022
As a huge NFL fan, I had heard of Warner, but had no clue about his story. This is clearly one of the best real-life underdog stories. The directing was decent, but the writing was a little slow and stale. It needed more action and suspense, and less happy-go-lucky vibes. The 112 min runtime and slow pacing really made the film feel dragged out. The casting and performances were spot-on and convincing, and although a fan of Zachary Levi (especially in Shazam!), I think his overly happy and smiling demeanor was too much to play Warner's character. I kept expecting to hear him yell Shazam! Nevertheless, he acted his heart out, as did Anna Paquin. Still, an amazing and emotional story (have the tissues nearby) and I'm really glad I watched it. It's a well deserved 8/10 from me.
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