South Beach (1993)
Wasted Potential...
4 February 2022
In SOUTH BEACH, Fred Williamson stars as private detective Mack Derringer, who is on the trail of a mysterious serial murderer. This movie starts off well with the killer on a rampage. Then, it bogs down in several dull sub-plots, meandering away from the excitement.

Alas, a stellar cast is totally squandered!

Gary Busey has little to do as Derringer's partner. Robert Forster pops in occasionally as a cop. Peter Fonda has nothing to do, and is more wooden than a log cabin. Stella Stevens is as awesome as ever, in spite of having no real reason to be in this movie. Henry Silva is actually convincing in his role as a crime lord. Too bad he's only on screen for 30 seconds! The stunningly beautiful Vanity plays Derringer's ex-wife with a complete lack of enthusiasm. Honestly, she seems to be daydreaming about being anywhere other than in this film!

The result is an "action-thriller" without much action and absolutely no thrills. One of the most boring movies of its sub-genre...
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