It All Makes Perfect Sense.
4 February 2022
Rachel so hated her parents and everything they stood for that she wanted to be someone else...and created that new identity for herself. I get that. I think the whole morphing from white girl from Montana to "black" girl from Spokane happened gradually and was mostly due to the abuse she (and her siblings) suffered at the hands of her parents.

I will say, I don't agree with her calling herself "Black." I think she would be much better off saying she identifies with Black culture and immerses herself in it rather than digging her heels in about actually BEING Black. But that's her issue to deal with and I don't think it comes from a place of malice. Rachel seems to be a decent human and I hope she gets another chance to help change the world.

She seems like a great mom and sister and that says about a lot about her character. I hope she can find peace (and a job!) someday. I wish her and her family the best.
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