Explosive Action Sequences, Dramatic Plot and Tense Thrilling for Your Brain, Heart and Soul
2 February 2022
Based upon true events, South Korean action-drama blockbuster Escape from Mogadishu is one of the greatest movies of the year 2021 and rightfully represents the country with the best contemporary movie industry at the upcoming Academy Awards. The story revolves around the start of the ongoing civil war in Somalia, as experienced by the embassies of North Korea and South Korea. Both embassies are at conflict and try to bribe the local government in exchange for international support and recognition. As rebels however start a pitiless uprising and even openly menace foreign diplomats, the two embassies have to cooperate with the Italian embassy to find a way out of the country.

This stunning fight for survival convinces on numerous levels. First of all, the locations are absolutely stunning. Since it's still to this day impossible to shoot a movie in Somalia, the South Korean filmmakers opted to recreate Mogadishu in Morocco and the final result looks very authentic. The set designers interviewed numerous diplomats who had worked in several African countries in the early nineties to get the credible sets absolutely right. Lush hotels meet modest embassies and impoverished suburbs as this movie brings to life a country only few people have ever been to.

Up next, the acting performances are absolutely stunning. From corrupt politicians over aggressive police officers to suspicious counselors and diplomatic ambassadors, this movie features a high number of intriguing characters. The excellent actresses and actors from South Korea and abroad bring these characters to life with strong body language and intense dialogues.

The action sequences in this film are also impressive. The war crimes shown on the streets of Somalia are haunting and realistic as they might make even the toughest viewers shiver and cry. The assault of the North Korean embassy is also a memorable scene as the terror of the innocent victims is portrayed very efficiently. The highlight is the car chase sequence in the final third as the North and South Korean convoys try to make it through the city to get to the Italian embassy. This fight for survival includes dangerous collisions, blazing explosions and endless gun shots. This movie will keep you on the edge of your seat in this impressive final third.

This film however also spreads a wonderful message of togetherness, resilience and cooperation. The members of the North and South Korean embassies can only survive if they trust each other and put their political agendas aside. This movie proves that the two countries should eventually reunite and have a bright future together, just as it was the case for East and West Germany in the early nineties.

At the end of the day, Escape from Mogadishu convinces as intense action movie, heartfelt drama and even tense thriller. The acting performances, action sequences and settings are absolutely stunning. The plot is simple but gripping and realistic as it is based upon true events. Those who claim that the movie might be racist due to the lack of Somalian actors and the negative portrayal of the civil war are completely wrong because this film shows the events exactly as they have been experienced by innocent bystanders in the early nineties. South Korean cinema is known for its strong portrayal of realistic situations rather than polishing things in a politically correct way like many Hollywood movies forcefully attempt to do these days. If you are looking for authentic cinema that moves your brain, heart and soul, you should certainly experience this cinematic highlight of the year.
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