Not the best, not the worst, but that's the problem.
2 February 2022
When the trailers released for this movie, I was excited for this movie more than I have been in a while, so you would have understood my disappointment that it hardly lived up to any of those expectations.

The movie isn't completely terrible, it added a bit of new lore, and the updated CGI on The Machine World looks great. But it has none of that (reality is an illusion, just electrical nerve signals, philosophical paranoia the first one had with interesting philosophy and revolutionary and kickass action sequences) This movie had none of that.

Keanu and Carrie Anne Moss are the only two original actors in the entire movie. Morpheus makes a re-appearence, but not by Laurence Fishburne, and this Morpheus isn't actually Morpheus, but a program who thinks he's Morpheus. The writing for this character was so confusing and rushed that I didn't understand his motivation at all. He should have had a few scenes where he questioned himself and a bit more backstory.

Though the new lore is good. Where the movie fails is the action. Not only it doesn't live up to the origional movies, It's bad even by todays action movie. Even the bike chase scene in Venom was far superior to the one in this movie which was so slow, boring and lacking any kind of kinetic energy.

Neo has no powers whatsoever in this movie until the very last scene. He teases taking off and flying at one point, but is thrown away in such a cringy old fart excuse for a comedy gag. Neil Patrick Harris also played a very corny villan too. I liked how Carrie Anne Moss made a return as Trinity, but she hardly did anything in the movie too.

Overall, though there are some good elements to this movie such as the updated and more clear look of the real world, this was mostly disappointing. It's sad that a bloody Matrix movie has given me no real desire to rewatch it after only seeing it twice in the theater.
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