For people who haven't seen the original!!
1 February 2022
When you haven't seen the original and you think why all the hate for this movie...?

Ignore it because if you haven't watched it then you have nothing to compare it to. As a standalone movie away from the original its a good movie and will leave you entertained for its duration.

If you have seen the original its 100% superior to this nicholas cage version but that movie was groundbreaking for its time and people seem to forget that, we have had so many movies since then with simular ideas and a remake of that great Britisch horror movie with an American cast was always going to be an issue,not to talk about anyone who has seen the original knows what to expect because this is very simular in how the story unfolds so in a way your at a disadvantage starting the movie because you most definitely will start comparing from the beginning, but nonetheless this movie is far from terrible as people make it out to be.

Watch it with an open mind and you will see its a very decent thriller.
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