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More depressing than a soap opera
30 January 2022
I cannot figure out all the great reviews for this show. It's like someone decided that a show featuring every low-life human that could possibly be present in one obscure town would be interesting. And if there isn't enough alcohol, prostitution, and other crimes to go around; everyone is cheating, beating up partners, and divorcing. Can't even say the landscape is nice because, well, it isn't. The music sometimes gives you a feeling something intense is happening, but then.... Nothing happens. The men act like they walked right out of the Stone Age.

There's a teen girl that's been mixed in for some unknown reason. It's like they needed some way for a younger audience to connect...? She just goes back and forth to school and gets verbally abused by her mother.

Everything that happens is anticlimactic. There's no plot, no mystery, no reason to even have a show. I'd rather watch paint dry.
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