It's OK
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning started out promising, but dragged on too long. Most of the characters are unlikable, especially bratty Sophia, who wore the same nasty outfit for the majority of the series. Some side plots *sorta* made sense but were overdone and almost felt like red herrings since they didn't go anywhere or add up to much. In fact, I was left with more questions than answers because of it. The special effects were pretty good- I actually thought the little demon was cute (I'm sure that wasn't the intention though). What killed the enjoyment was the muddy script- at first the Mom in Hell is crying "run away" to Sophia, then she's beckoning her to join the rest of the time. The Dad hides out nearby while his daughters are in agony and I still don't really know why- its not like the cult didn't already know who they are or where they live. Rather than tell them the truth and get the hell out of there, everyone just sits around while the cult regains power. Speaking of- do these weird people not eat, work, have homes, or a change of clothes? They are ALWAYS just standing around the abandoned house, in the same clothes, with only a bed for furniture, waiting for the god-awful Sophia who is "perfect" ('splain that Lucy?!) to show up and be kinda into the kinkyness but kinda not at times... I was baffled half time time where the direction was headed.

Then there are the plot holes. Maybe I'm getting too old and cynical, but I'm finding certain themes don't satisfy the deeper questions. For example- why are there always huge mysterious temples/altars carved in caves? There is literally no backstory to any of this- who did it, how long has it been there, how has no one successfully released the hounds of hell after all these centuries but a snotty 16 year old can, etc. I could go on, but I'll just sum up my biggest head-scratcher: why do apocalyptic powerful demons who can destroy humanity NEED a puny human to release them?? It's like when I see scary movies where ghosts can't get through locked doors. Again, maybe I'm too old to enjoy the silliness, but for once I'd love a movie to address these kind of absurdities.

Overall, I killed a night watching this as I crocheted (I prefer subtitles, but I've heard worse dubbing so I managed) and was left hating the ending (but then again, I already disliked Sophia so why not double down), but it was ok for what it was. I believe they genuinely tried- hopefully they learn from their mistakes and attempt another show (but NOT a sequel... this one is done).
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