Review of 4400

4400 (2021–2022)
Many say it's "too woke"...
30 January 2022
...and I kind of agree. Synopsis talks about 4400 overlooked and blah blah. So, one main character is a lawyer, another is doing a reality show, this and that. How are they somehow in a bad place? Oh, right, this is about USA and skin color: nobody is white, and almost everyone is black. That's the main story.

They mention people were taken "from all over the world", yet they only focus on a handful of black people from USA. They try so hard to make everything about skin color. It alienates people who aren't all into USian politics. It detracts from the story.

And the story... I'm in episode 10 now. There's not much of a story. It's all overshadowed by other things. This isn't scifi, this is just narrative of one country's societal issues based on skin color. If in 10 episodes you haven't gotten anywhere in the actual plot, the one that's supposed to be the story, I don't think it's going anywhere.

If this gets a second season I hope they actually take off their skin color glasses and actually think which show they're doing: scifi story, or societal commentary. You clearly aren't capable of doing both.
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