Intriguing but lost its identity after 20 minutes
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an absolute mess.

I had high expectations based on the plot and the first 20 minutes are quite intriguing but from there everything just gets weird in a boring way.

Emilia is looking for her brother - never solved nor explained.

Emilia discovers same sex love - built up like a major sideplot but during the climax of the relationship it's suddenly dropped like it wasn't that necessary after all to portray.

The beast is a frikking cow. Or is the cow her brother? However, the disappointment is as big as the reveal of the "wolf" in the Russian movie "Wolf Wood" from 2019.

The symbolism is all over the chart which makes no sense at all. Kudos to Tamara Rocca who is a mesmerizing actress but she can't save the movie on her own.
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