I'm Here for Season 1
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, season 1 has always been special and the reunion was no exception. Coincidentally Becky showed up as Karen - a spoiled and entitled woman above constructive criticism and being open to an experience not hers. Her storming out like a spiked child only made it all worse. Her response, not an uncommon one from "progressive whites" who don't feel they are a part of a VERY large, deeply ingrained, problem; turned and made Kevin feel bad/question his POV. Black Americans, who were brought here as commerce, laws created to belittle and dehumanize, systems created to keep them underfoot, have NO reason to feel bad about speaking this truth where whites feel uncomfortable. Discomfort of a conversation does not trump lives being taken whether by cop, jail, or miseducation.

I was 14 years old when season 1 aired and watching clips in the reunion from the original show is now making me realize Kevin's impact on my youth and way of thinking about the progress and constant overachievements of those slave descendants who have made countless and invaluable impacts on this country that continues to disregard them and dehumanize them. When learning American history in school, the stories of Blacks never seemed to quite add up. Kevin validated those feelings and questions - inspiring to dig deeper and learn more. Thank you Kevin Powell and MTV for giving him a platform ... even if it was a mistake.
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