A Dark Love Story With Forgiveness
25 January 2022
In any other world, Abigail Cowen would be nominated for an Oscar. It is a lot to ask for a young person to go from broken flower to lady.

And it is a story of redemption But alas, we are in Hollywood and therefore, they can't support a Christian story.

Boy, would they be surprised.

This movie is dark and ugly and has brutal realities (much like the bible, which we often forget is really horrifying).

A young girl is sold to a pimp and is broken and emotionally empty who then finds a kindly farmer who shows her the path to a decent life.

Yes, the Academy doesn't recognize this inspiring story unless a heathen makes it. Or the industry that hides sex traffickers.

Here, it's directed by D. J. Caruso. Whose career I'd followed closely. He made a solid flick called "The Salton Sea" He is a stylist but also has the chops to make a Christian-based topic without it being overtly religious. It's a brilliant stroke to have him design this film as it is. It has some really really hard to watch segments. Mostly due to the acting chops of a young Angel (played by Livi Birch) and, aforementioned Abigail Cowen. They play frightened and broken well.

This was made much more perplexing that reviewers on another site destroyed this film. Clear where the disconnect is with media and the public.

Francine Rivers, listed as a born-again Christian, wrote this story in the 90's as a re-telling of The Book of Hosea and brilliantly put it in the gold rush of 1850. It is a frontier movie where the people in it are survivalist.

The few criticisms I have for it are...frontier people having perfect teeth. And the prostitutes in it not looking more broken.

Great cameo from Famke Janssen as the Duchess. Her wicked step-mother take of a madam is fantastic.
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