Watch to the end
23 January 2022
I'm an artist so most of the time when I watch these types of movies it's not for the story but for character and costume inspiration. The movie starts off very cheesy, I almost turned it off but kept it on because I had nothing else to do, but let me tell you, watching this was the best decision of my night!

The ending was absolutely badass, and I don't use that word too often. Midway through I found my self not getting much sketching done, by the final half I had set my sketch book and pencil down . Visually, musically, choreography this film was amazing. I just watch Marvels the Eternals a few days ago, didn't like it all that much, but this Tops that movie by 200%.

The emotion, from the main actor was top notch. I made my husband watch the end half with me when he got home because I thought it was so amazing.

Seriously, just watch it. Get over the first fight scene and you'll be happy you did!
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