Probably don't bother
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know exactly which north African country it is or which modern conflict there involved Dutch troops, and this is not explained in the movie is frustrating. Perhaps a written preface piece at the beginning could have explained. I don't know of any former Dutch colonies in Africa, Belgian, yes, but not Dutch. They do not appear to be UN peacekeepers either, no blue helmets, although, I think I might have seen a UN flag at their camp at the end. So, who the hell are they., where the hell is it exactly, and why the hell are they there? Sigh.

Not sure what we are to make of the local urchin who refuses to either leave OR make friends with them.preferring to demand things from them whilst responding with fits of screaming abuse, anyway, presumably he is mentally-ill. They eventually -understandably-at last- grew weary of his antics and grimly silenced him. That and knowing that the movie was in its last minutes were gratifying. I DID feel sorry for that poor goat, though. But $50 sounds like a lot of money for a goat in that area.

1Hour 50 mins of my life I won't get back.
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