Team Fortress 2 (2007 Video Game)
Captures the magic of teamwork
20 January 2022
Team Fortress 2 in 2022 shouldn't still be alive and kicking, but it is. The game's longevity has inspired me on many occasions and after playing it for almost 8 years now, I can definitely say that this game has aged incredibly well and it's tight, well rounded gameplay hasn't gotten old or stale for me quite just yet.

It's funny too, because when I was much younger and saw glimpses of this game only months after it was first released, I was not immediately impressed. I found the visual design of this game to be off-putting to me, I found the cartoonish character and weapon design too cheap and simple looking, and I immediately judged this as bad quality. So I avoided it for several years and had no real interest in playing this one.

But then I started watching the ''Meet The'' videos on YouTube in 2013. I really liked most of the characters and they were very funny with really good voice acting. I also really liked the gameplay style of the spy and just how satisfying a backstab looked, so I downloaded the free game on Steam to give it a try

One thing that blew me away right off the bat is just how well thought out and varied the playstyles of each different class was, and how nothing was clunky or cumbersome, which was a massive improvement over the original 1999 game. Everything felt streamlined and expertly crafted. I still didn't like the art style at first, but it's uniqueness slowly grew on me and I realized it wasn't as simple and dull looking as I previously thought and most of my first glance judgments were. Addressed

It's a marvel to see such a complex game with different classes effortlessly bounce off eachother. After playing it for only a few hours, you get the hang of how each character plays and how easy and responsive the interface is because this is an extremely fast paced game. It's also very funny and I love how it rewards opportunities of real time teamwork. The imdb description describes the characters as psychopaths but the reality is is that you feel so much empathy from the online players when you play a match, mostly. So many times you think you're dead until you realise two medics have got your back, giving you that extra nudge to push forward. You can heal other players by playing Medic or giving them a sandvich. There are many emotes such as the conga which is funny to watch, I remember times where entire competitive matches would stop so the conga could just get bigger and bigger.. You always feel like you're part of a team with every player in bent on achieving victory

Overall I think it's one of the most well aged games of all time and is still my favorite class based shooter, though there still aren't that many/ I liked Overwatch for a while, but It didn't have the same charm and got older faster with almost zero customization. TF2 is customization galore. Also Overwatch is basically dead at this point, still waiting for that sequel to revive it's popularity. However TF2 never needed a follow up, since Its been updated so many times now, and I would probably find another sequel to this to be a downgrade in one way or another, but you never know. Don't think Valve have any plans to make a TF3 anyway.
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