Had potential, but the ending ruins it.
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When I saw the first episode, I thought the show felt fresh and exciting. I didn't see the twist of Alison taking her dead sister's place coming. I thought it would be very interesting to watch her have to live in fear, always worrying that she'll say or do something to give away her "secret." And it was. I really enjoyed that part of the show. But there is a weird cult subplot that I wasn't sure really suited it. It just seemed kind of shoehorned in and never totally fit. I never really cared about the cult. I was more interested in the main storyline of the teens and the secret they shared together, so that's why I continued to watch.

What I couldn't excuse was that last episode, though. I didn't mind Margot being the killer, it was the way Alison framed Dylan that I thought was silly. She spent the entire season talking abut how she was in love with Dylan her entire life only to get him to put away forever so she could run away with a maniac serial killer who almost murdered her instead? It didn't make any sense to me and didn't come across as realistic. It came across as though it were forced just to be "different" than the typical "couple defeats the villain and lives happily ever after together" ending. But just because something is different doesn't make it good. It seemed very random and not like something I felt the character, or anyone else for that matter, would really do.

The ending left me feeling cold and like I had wasted my time. It felt tacked on and very unsatisfying. Maybe if there was a season 2, they could've fixed their mistakes and given us a better ending to the story. But since the show was cancelled and there will be no season 2, the lousy ending will always stand. But overall I did like the show for the most part despite the odd idea of the cult and the terrible conclusion. It had potential to be something really special but I don't think it quite lived up to it.
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