Just Cause 4 (2018 Video Game)
So basic and broken, at least it had a hoverboard
17 January 2022
C tier, 6/10. Lots of good weapons and evriroments but ultimately is such a flawed and broken game. The missions are just so awful. Just cause is a game about destruction and you spend most of the time escorting prisoners. The story is abismaly basic and the villain is just so forgettable. A big business guy that I don't even remember anything else about. There is a great improvement in the tools you can use but there is not any great opportunities to use them in the story. You can use them in really fun ways in the open world feels so broken and basic. It can be really funny but just feels dated, even compared to just cause 3.

I spent hours exploring it to get this really cool graffiti style wingsuit and whilst it looked great I just noticed how baron and boring the world really is. The activities you can do feel so basic and just not worth doing. I love some of the weapons such as the tornado and gravity guns but they run out of ammo so quickly they are not worth using. The dlc is honestly great. You get a hoverboard, which is the most fun thing to use. You can just zoom across land and water and it is really fun. You also get a decent story with the agency attacking, turing on Rico and actually get to destroy things. The agency ships are really fun to explore and destroy. Just feels like what the game was meant to be, especially when compared to the main story.

The hoverboard races are really fun and I love customizing the board. The demonos dlc is so creative and so unique. Destroying all these weird plants and creatures. So satisfying to pop some of the pods and stuff. I really don't like timed races so the racing dlc wasn't fore but for what it wanted to do it was ok. I would honestly rated the dlc 7-8 out of 10 but the game just is so bad and is not worth it.

Felt like such a step back from just cause 3. It seems I've played every just cause game except 2 which people say is the best one. I will try and get it for PS3 or see if it's on ps now or something.
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