Love Strikes Twice (2021 TV Movie)
Finally an original time travel story....
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this. Was refreshing to see an original story. The main character is not sure if she made the right choices in who she married and the career path she chose, then hits her head at her parents anniversary party. She wakes up 15 years in the past. She at first thinks it's to change the course of her own life, but realizes she can help with the issues going on at the time as well. It wasn't a typical time travel story where the lead is self-absorbed and only cares about changing things for herself - which is what makes this such a refreshing story. She is much more aware of what was going on with her family and friends because it was her second time around and she sees things from a more mature perspective. She sees the big picture and helps not only her future husband, but her brother and her father. She fills in as a lawyer at a hearing - though she's only a student at the time - where her future husband is trying to stop demolition of a historic building. She and her future husband - merely a friend at the time - steal a crooked businessman's briefcase and photo copy some papers that prove he was doing very shady things. This allows them to prevail at the hearing and save the building. It was enjoyable to see her prove her case at the hearing and best her future boss as a mere student - and realizes working for him isn't what she wants to do. She also has new-found respect for her future husband. After the hearing, she bumps her head and she goes back to her own time. Things are different when she "wakes up" because of the changes she made, but even that transition was well done and wrapped things up nicely. A well-written, feel-good movie that was definitely worth watching..
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