Desolation Canyon (2006 TV Movie)
Refreshing Father/Son Western from Hallmark!
15 January 2022
I give this TV movie 10 stars because it's a refreshing change of pace for a Hallmark movie!

Instead of a working woman romance which is the status quo for Hallmark movies these days, the main relationship in this film has to do with fathers and sons, and the story focuses on men more than women; while the acting may not be Emmy material, I still enjoyed the actors, from Courtney Gains to Patrick Duffy.

It's a standard story as far as westerns go and I wouldn't say the writing is awful, but it's not the same as older westerns from the '50s or '60s.

It's a clean movie with no sex, innuendos, or swear language; there is gun play of course, but that's to be expected in a western, yet it's not over-the-top, tough-guy action; all reasons why I enjoyed it for the 80 minutes it was on.

Thanks to the Starz Encore channel for airing it in high definition without commercials!
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