Upper Middle Bogan (2013–2016)
And a half
14 January 2022
Which is very good for me. I started this after I finished Outrageous Fortune and googled similar shows. I stopped after a few episodes because I didn't like bess but I saw her in something else recently and she was my favorite character. Long story short I finished all 3 seasons last night and really liked it! I can't believe this isn't done by the same people who did O. F. Down to the house( looks identical) and Robyn Malcoms character is basically the same. And there's a few other Kiwi actors from tht show in it too. I really liked the adopted mother( forgot her name) she was hilarious and Kane. Any ways wish there were more than 3 seasons. On my way to find something similar again... Edit to add.. Please quit with the Modern family references. I live in the US and have watched Modern family and I don't see any comparisons. Quit pretending to be an Ozzy and going on about Modern Family!!!
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