Forget the Red or Blue Pill...
13 January 2022
...This movie needs a cyanide pill instead.

This movie reinforced three things I already knew...

  • A 4th Matrix was not needed.

  • Studio executives care more about money grabbing cash cow sequels than they do about legitimate entertainment. (And to an extent, I get it, because businesses function by making money).

  • Every single character that Jada Pinkett Smith plays is truly unlikeable by virtue of the way she acts.

The first Matrix movie was great. The next two Matrix movies were not anywhere near as good, but the 4th installment makes the last two look like Hollywood gold.

Resurrections (and the latest Spider-Man movie) consists of 95% nerdstalgia and 5% real substance. (I might be a little generous with that ratio). A few nods to previous work is fun and enjoyable, but it shouldn't be the driving force behind the story.

Speaking of "the story"...what really was the story? Whatever is was surely wasn't thought through very well.

I was really looking forward to this movie, so I stayed away from most of the details. Unfortunately, this movie is a huge middle finger to Matrix fans and audiences in general.
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