Review of Screw

Screw (2022–2023)
'The prison is not full of bad men,it is full of men who have done bad things'
13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So says Wing Boss Nina Sosanya early on just so's we know she is pretty non - judgemental and inline with the thinking of the Prison Service at the start of the third decade of the 21st century.. Certainly 'C'Wing has its share of what used to be unforgiveably known as 'nutjobs' now that facilities for mentally unwell prisoners have been pared down to virtually nothing.

No prison can be run without at least the tacit co - operation between cons and screws.

If this breaks down,as both parties are well aware,anarchy reigns,and most cons - who just want to do their bird and go home - keep their heads down and count the days.

'Screw' paints a picture of a nick where everybody hates their environment and wants to spend as little time in it as possible(except for Ms Sosanya who is living in one of the cells for some as yet unexplained reason.

Amongst the staff we have the obligatory jolly cockney( a closet racist,natch) who might have been played by Michael Medwin back in the day and the lazy old screw nearing retirement (think George Woodbridge).

Including the Wing Boss there are three female officers,one on her first posting who may be hiding a Big Secret.

All the ingredients are in place for an above moments.

I look forward to seeing how it develops.
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