Entirely without point
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Re-read the review "A waste of time" for 90% of what I was going to say.

The first trace of a storyline comes in after 1 hour and 5 minutes, when the two men, in a sort of mild fling, discuss that one is moving to Canada. 30 minutes later, he does indeed ship off to Canada. The end.

What did this movie accomplish or say? It would be too generous to even call this a "slice of life" film, as generally those tend to focus on an *interesting* time or set of events in a person's life - not just any random couple of days.

Guy has some borderline-disinterested meetups with a hookup buddy on his way from here to there. Neat. Even the protagonist didn't care enough about these hookups to even for a moment adjust his plans, so what were we the viewers supposed to care about?
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