Kojak: Be Careful What You Pray For (1975)
Season 3, Episode 4
A good but flawed episode
12 January 2022
My problem with this episode is where Crocker is lecturing Catholic school girls about the danger of rape. He tells them that most rapes are committed by people the girl (or woman) knows, and it could even be an uncle. Maybe that's how it was done in 1975, but it's hard to believe any cop would tell teenage girls that their uncles are potential rapists and to be careful around them. All that would likely do is raise their teenage anxiety to higher levels.

Meg Wyllie was good as the stern but good natured nun, but she is only four years older than Dan Frazer (Capt. McNeil), who was supposed to be a student of sister Agnes in his youth.

Another problem I have is that Crocker and another detective shoot at a semi that's being driven away, as it has already been established in Kojak that cops can't fire their weapon unless their life is in danger. That wasn't the case here, and Crocker could have easily killed someone inside the trailer. Kojak was right there and didn't even admonish Crocker.
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