Stay Close (2021)
Started out well
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But after a couple of episodes, it started to fall apart.

Cush Jumbo did her best but the script was a limp noodle and even though the camera fell on her face just about all the time, she registered very little emotion.

James Nesbitt, the copper, was totally inappropriate with the wife of a supposed victim and then again with a suspect.

Plot holes and raised eyebrows everywhere.

And a constant irritant: these huge immaculate homes with perfect cupboards and well stocked fridges and clean floors and made beds and everybody living in it is running around elsewhere all the time. Who's doing all the work?

Problems: (1) Police who never answer their phones (2) A policeman who cries all the time and can bang out a lovesong on a piano to a witness.

(3)Holy suspects, Batman! Lost track (4)Why does the photo-journalist not spot anomalies in his work unless he prints them out?

(5) Why is the ex-wife copper so nosy about her ex-husband? Why are they working together?

(6) That home care place though - letting in anyone and everyone to prey upon an elderly resident?

(7) One of my faves - the dead police chief in the basement of the police station and no one notices the smell after a few days?

(8) Tawny something was never missed after her murder?

(9) Ken and Barbie were totally extraneous.

(10) Why wasn't everyone banging into each other in the supermarket as they all basically lived a hand's throw away from the Viper Club for 17 years.

(11) Why was the massive bridge always devoid of traffic?

(12) Why would the coppers enter a killer's dungeon together? Without putting one outside as lookout?

(13) How could Lorraine carry those bodies down a long ladder to the dungeon?

(14)Why wasn't a victim's wife upset that a cop had broken into her house and broke down a door in her basement without a warrant or permission?

(15) How was Harry supporting his junkie habit and his business with all the pro bono work?

Far too many more to list but you have it.

An awful let down after investing a couple of good intense hours at the beginning.

I gave it a 5/10 for the beginning which had me gripped but it fell into its own miasma of holes and too many characters and flat, flat dialogue. And that music was interruptively harsh and an obvious time filler.
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