It's terrible! I hate it.
10 January 2022
Since it only has 7 episodes, I'll just individually review every one, they'll be short, but to the point

Man's Best Friend (Uncensored) The original was ok I guess, it wasn't THE BEST episode, the only thing they changed was adding a violent deleted scene.

Onward and Upward The least bad of the episodes that isn't an uncensored classic, it's funny a couple times, it's mostly just weird but at least I wasn't disgusted

Ren Seeks Help Hey, fans! Do you want to see Ren torture random animals and be depressed for 30 minutes? You do? THEN THIS IS THE EPISODE FOR YOU!

Fire Dogs 2 Guilty pleasure tbh, it's bad, but it's so bad it's hilarious. But it still sucks, and has barely anything to do with Fire Dogs 1 from the original.

Naked Beach Frenzy Just Ren sexually harrasing random girls for 30 minutes, nothing special, just dumb.

Altruists Not gross or shocking, just boring, also why is there a kid without a head?

Stimpy's Pregnant The title. May I say more? Fine, it's the worst episode, it contains gross things, it features Stimpy with boobs (Really something I didn't want to see) and a bad abortion joke, easily the worst.

Overall, it's one of the worst things ever put to TV.
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