Twins (1988)
Decent movie, but who fed the cat
9 January 2022
I am a film critic of sorts with my own blog where I review films. This is not a review really, but I noticed something in this film that bothers me...

Who fed Vincent's cat when he was away for days in end?

About the movie, well it's kinda an illogical concept, but Devito is so fun to watch and Ms Kelly Preston is heavenly. Republican Arnie (I'm Republican) is not a great actor, but he's competent and he actually does an impressive job with the material. He never over or under acts and he's believable.

The movie is well shot and directed, funny and just an out and out nice movie. You actually want them to bond.

It's not an eighties favourite, but it's a good flick to watch every now and then. The concept is great and they make it work. I think the crime part of the movie feels a bit out of place when we only really care about the twins.

As a cat owner, I just wanted to mention the unfortunate cat. I just went to the toilet and gave my cat a stroke as she's outside my bedroom door sleeping.
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