5 January 2022
Skip the first hour of this movie. Almost nothing happens. The first kabuki scene is embarrassing. The clown scene is stretched out and wasn't funny then and isn't now. The main character is so boring and unlikable, like a dollar store version of Kurt Russell. Every line harry says is like brainless banter in his Yogi Bear sounding voice.

I was not expecting a high budget samurai film at all, I knew what i was getting myself into as this is the 4th or 6th Troma film I've seen. This was just painful to watch and I love so bad they are good movies. I'm sure millennials today would find reasons to try and get this cancelled. It came off as childish with brain dead humor I wish it was more violent and the bad guy was much worst. This story is just awful and poorly executed. It's like in one movie how I said it would be like some little kid mashing toys together in his back yard improvising as he goes.

The actress who did lotus has good chemistry with harry and is quite pretty. Not super model hot but she could have been in better movies. There was a weird sex scene with harry that Tommy Wiseau should have taken tips from.

The special effects were good for its time (and budget) not terminator 2 or so around that era good but better than expected. My big concern is the movie is trying too hard to be silly. Not funny. Silly. Unlike the toxic avenger 1 where there is a plot and character development there's none here. You'd have to be on some serious drugs to enjoy this.
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