That's what comes from too much rest on that seventh day.
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A big old glorious old fashioned bomb, the type that you enjoy laughing ass because it is so ridiculously over-the-top and so badly acted. Glossy trash. Yes, Rebecca De Mornay and Vincent Spank are absolutely gorgeous to look at, but the on-screen heat doesn't mean that they generate anything remotely resembling art. She seduces her way into an early parole, marrying Spano simply so she can get out of prison and set her sights on a candidate for governor, Frank Langella.

The audience knows everything they need to know about her in the very first scene, jumping off a roof onto a garbage truck so she can escape from prison, then forcing herself into Langella's limousine who promptly turns around and takes her back. She wants to make a deal with electrician Spano for a year-long marriage so she can get her parole, but the dumb lug thinks that they are going to have a real marriage which she promptly dismisses.

After this, she sets her sights on his brother Donovan Leitch whom she thinks could get her a singing contract. Only problem is that she can't sing. All she can do is scheme and manipulate, a completely dangerous sociopath who should come with a warning sign to other men. Looking absolutely ridiculous in a hideous mullet, De Mornay is crude looking and crude acting, and her character is totally unappealing.

Spano is naive beyond belief, allowing himself to be manipulated by good spontaneous sex then thinking he can change her, making himself look dumber in every scene he appears in. It's the fault of the script and direction that he gives such a bad performance while De Mornay never gives her character any believable layers. She's just painful to watch, no threat to Kathleen Turner in "Body Heat" or Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct". The script tries to make us think that De Mornay can retained, but she's a shrew beyond reform. The only good things here are Frank Langella and Judith Chapman ("The Young and the Restless" and half a dozen other soaps), with the biggest disaster the direction of Roger Vadim.
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