Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
A Senior trekker writes..................
4 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Second Season of Star Trek the Next Generation has often been downplayed due to multiple production and writing staff problems, and several major cast changes. Although of mixed quality, it does contain some outstanding and brilliant episodes. Senior Trekker is extremely grateful to all those people who worked so hard under difficult circumstances to keep it on our screens.

Lwaxana Troi returns to the Enterprise while suffering from an overactive libido brought on by the Betazoid version of a female midlife hormonal crisis. Someone obviously thought this would be funny at the time and, of course, Majel Barrett overacts for all she's worth. It must have helped that she was the boss's wife and her costume budget seems to have been unlimited but this was one of the least successful of what were to become her annual appearances.

We also got a couple of extra holodeck Dixon Hill scenes and something about some weird fish people (apparently played by pop stars) who were really saboteurs, but none of it stands up very well to the passage of time.

(Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5)
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