Most Dangerous Game (2020–2023)
A format built for commercials
2 January 2022
Although the situations were ridiculous, for sheer entertainment not to be taken seriously, the movie and acting were okay.

You could run thru a long list of impossibilities and lucky breaks for: the main character, the egotistical stupidity of the hunters, and the bravado of the hunt organizer.

And even though the Tiro Fund has an efficient cleaner, the hunters (as well as the hunted) leave trails miles long. Their organization would have been busted ages ago.

As for the controversy over the Quibi format and breaking a movie into multiple quick chunks (at least when played on Roku and similar channels), they do it to intersperse 45 seconds of commercials every 8 to 10 minutes between episodes. Hulu and others practically do the same thing, but even worse, by breaking up movies or episodes every 10 to 15 minutes with a full two minutes of untimely commercials that destroy continuity.
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