Who Am I (2014)
Cheap movie with childish script
1 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie that feels like something a bunch of teenagers wrote in a week. It makes no sense.

So it's a hacking movie and I read a few reviews about it being "the most realistic hacker movie". Well, not quite. It's actually total nonsense in relation to programming and hacking. When they are in the dark web we see them in a fictional train wagon to illustrate this. The hacking they do is also just nonsense. In one scene they go into a far-right event and "hack" their system. Well, in reality they just replace their video file with a cartoon where dogs hump Hitler. That's obviously not hacking and this is how all their "hacking" works. In another scene they try to get into Interpol for a really long time. Then finally the lead says he lost a wallet to get in and then plants a device under a table to hack the system. So basically they could pay someone to plant it there? Or just throw it in a bush near the window? It's all cringe and fake.

There are also multiple scenes you'd see in 90's Hollywood movies. A car scene where the friends scream and shout while waving their hands in the air. A scene where a "cool guy" teaches a nerd how to flirt with hot chicks in a supermarket. Several party and nightclub scenes where they scream and flirt with chicks. There is even a scene where the cool guy kisses with the lead's girl, but she never once mentions it. Did it happen? Who knows or cares? Also, these guys are programmers yet often act like jocks. The lead is never doing anything. He's just standing around even when people speak to him which makes for some really boring scenes. All those chicks scenes are extremely cringe. He also makes stupid decisions like giving away info on people who betrayed a Russian state hacker club. Meaning that a traitor guy is, of course, killed by the Russians. And overall it's just a bunch of scenes one after another. It doesn't feel like a single plot.

The plot is also directly stolen from Unusual Suspects with stupid twists added on. So you feel like you are watching old plots and scenes in a cheap movie. I really disliked it. This is German filmmaking at its worst.
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