How about a real review?
31 December 2021
Anything over a 5 is a suspect review. Probably relatives of the cast.

Crazy mom gets arrested, minor kids that don't automatically drop into the system, instead allowed to stay in their home alone. Teenaged boy finances his purchases of the girls' stolen merchandise by stealing the cash right out of the fast food restaurant till. Guidance counselor catches the girls with a living room full of evidence, doesn't call the police. Loser absentee father jumps in to help the girls evade detection and and coaches them on how to read manifests and labels. Flood of stolen merchandise hitting the streets, nobody wonders where it's coming from. Yep, this is a realistic story.

Normally, all movies require some suspension of belief. This movie requires the watcher to be comatose. Netflix should be ashamed of this POS.
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