Alpha Betas (2021–2023)
A Sad Addition to an Overdone Trope
31 December 2021
If you are a fan of the YouTubers who star in this show, you're probably going to love this show. I don't hold that against you at all - they can be hilariously funny people. If you aren't a fan of them, or are someone who disapproves of sexist and half-racist jokes disguised as humor, you will almost definitely skip it. Alpha Betas, another attempt to appeal to the 21st century gaming culture that has heavily dominated social culture in recent years, is nothing more than a poor attempt to capture some of the audience attracted to the animation style of Rick and Morty, and rake in money to an already uber-wealthy sector of the YouTube gamer section. A combination of sexist innuendos, not-so-subtle racist humor, occasionally popular celebrities, and four YouTubers masquerading as VA's ultimately leads to a disappointing experience that required a massive, near year-long kickstarter to reach enough money just so the show could attempt to continue beyond one episode.
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