Adrienne (2021)
Harmful Messages
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I agree completely with the "Self Indulgent" review, particularly around the message of "never forgive people" and the way it was artificially presented as if he was about to investigate an unsolved mystery, when the perpetrator was jailed within days of the death. But I also want to add that it does a huge disservice to anyone who has lost someone to suicide by suggesting that it would mean that person didn't actually want to be with their family. He "fights" to prove it was a murder so that his daughter doesn't have to live with the burden that her mother didn't want to be with her. That's not how it works, and that's a particularly nasty message to present to anyone who had lost a loved one to suicide. From the film it appears that Andy hasn't begun to do his work around this death. I'm not sure if making this tribute film is the thing that will help, but I wish him and his family all the best.
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