RiffTrax, the failed attempt at MST3K
30 December 2021
I am at a loss at how this awful group can claim to be successful. The last half of the original Mystery Science Theater series was awful and this has compounded it. At least MST3K had some good moments in it early years. They knew back then not talk over the actors talking. Their voices were low enough to allow you to hear what was going on so you could get the jokes they were making. This bunch speak over the movie putting in their inane comments and new script for the actors.

I know of theaters where the audience chips in comments and jokes while the movie plays and those experiences are a whole lot funnier and enjoyable than this crew. When you can go to a theater and hear better comments from a random audience then you know these people are not in tune with comedy nor the correct outlook of what is funny for a particular movie. Maybe, there should be a commenter on their awful comments during movies.
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