29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My brother loaned me the DVD of Steptoe and Son Ride Again as an alternative to the boring Christmas Day television and the whole film was hilarious from start to finish and as good as the BBC series.

The plot concerns the Steptoes having to buy a new horse as their cart horse has become lame due to accidentally being transported to York in a removal lorry and Harold having to take the horse and cart back to London( a hilarious scene early on). Instead of buying a new horse, Harold ends up buying a short sighted greyhound from a local gangster for £ 80 that is supposed to make the Steptoes rich. However, when the greyhound fails to win and the Steptoes owe the gangster money with the threat of violence, Albert fakes his death to claim £ 1000 in life insurance.

Steptoe And Son Ride Again made me laugh from start to finish. There is a hilarious scene where Harold is seduced by Diana Dors, only to find her dead husband lying in bed, and he makes a very quick escape. The scenes at Albert's wake where people seem almost glad he is dead, Harold going to the wrong funeral, and Albert coming back from the dead as he is being buried left me in stitches. Also Milo O Shea is on top form as an alcoholic doctor who is conned into signing Albert's death certificate and the greyhound is a star in its own right, running riot in a park and taking off during a race at White City.

While many sitcom spin offs from the seventies were poor, this one is a classic and is worth watching as Harry H Corbett and Wilfrid Brambell shine again as the Steptoes.
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