The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
First Episode Review
29 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Book of Boba Fett is just getting started and already some people are trying to judge the entire series too quickly, even though the first chapter just came out. Wait until the whole thing's finished, guys. WandaVision had the same 'problem' for impatient viewers who can't stomach the weekly-release model for television shows, but it's absolutely worth the wait in the end.

Overall this episode was a good starter for what should be an entertaining series overall, and it still honours Boba Fett's badassery just fine. Sure it may harken a little too closely to The Prequel Trilogy with its literal usage of footage from Episode II for some, but it's to the series' advantage and giving layers to the central character.

This show seems to be giving more light to the Star Wars universe's criminal underbelly: and it's bound to get into juicier details in the coming instalments. Boba Fett deserved some more time on-screen and he's finally getting his own story so he can really shine. 4/5 stars: promising beginning for a promising show.
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